Danger Signs during Pregnancy: Don’t Neglect Them with Stomach Pain

Stomach pain is quite natural to a pregnant mother as many changes took place in several parts of your body, like- enlargement of the uterus, tightness of ligaments as well as morning sickness. But whenever you feel excessive stomach pain, must consult with your gynecologist.

Some usual causes of stomach pain during pregnancy-

·  Growth of the size of uterus

·  Pain in ligaments

·  Constipation & gastritis

If your stomach pain causes for any of the mentioned reason you don’t need to be worried. But if you are pregnant, you need to be aware of the risk of having any of this.

Ectopic Pregnancy: You may go through this problem when the fetus grows in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. You can be confirmed about your swollen fallopian tube if you suffer from stomach pain within 6th - 10th week of pregnancy & unwanted bleeding. In that cases, you must take advice from your physician.

Miscarriage: Stomach pain in between 3 months of pregnancy may cause miscarriage. Bleeding and wrench in the stomach like menstruation during pregnancy is the symptom of miscarriage.

Burst of Placenta: Placenta is the only source of oxygen and nutrition in ovary for an unborn. It is attached with the upper lower of the uterus and detached after the birth of a child. But it can be separated within three months of pregnancy which is a horrible accident for the mother. Your uterus will become hard and you may bleed black. You may have a cesarean operation in such situation.

Infection in Urethra: This infection is known as Urinary Tract Infection. The symptoms are- the frequent need of urinating, feeling pain or bleeding, stomach pain. You may have kidney infection for this. You need to be sure about germs by a urine test.

Appendicitis: It is really hard to diagnose appendicitis during pregnancy as the uterus grows during pregnancy and the appendix moves towards naval or lever. So you should be more careful about this. The symptoms of appendicitis are- loss of appetite, feeling nausea.

Gallbladder Stone: Gall bladder stone may cause stomach pain if you are above 35 and overweight. You have to consult with your doctor without any delay if you any pain. This pain may spread to back.


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