10 tips to managing stress during pregnancy

A mother experiences a mix of different feelings and excitement during pregnancy. Moreover, physical and mental changes, financial concerns make her feel anxious, but it is important that the mother stays free of any concern in order to enjoy the time for the delivery of a healthy child. In this article, we will know about 10 tips that help mothers stay free of concerns during pregnancy.

Take rest and care of your baby inside:

Taking rest and care for your baby inside is essential. Speak to him/her or sing a song since the baby can listen to you 23 weeks after the embryo. If you start talking to him/her since then, it will strengthen the bond between you. Pay attention to your body and have some rest if you feel tired because your baby inside is working hard to receive required nutrition. So, you need proper sleep.

If you are already a mother, you may find it difficult to get some time. Despite that, you must manage your time so that you can take rest. Ask your husband and family members to take care of the baby while you can sleep a little.

Laugh a lot:

When you laugh, your brain produces a type of chemical ingredient that elevates your mood and makes you feel good. You can watch any funny TV program in the evening or noon. Laughing is a good way to stay out of worries.

Eat good foods:

Ideal foods are those that keep you stay fit both mentally and physically. Eat foods rich in Omega 3 Fatty acid, vitamins and minerals which will help you have a fresh and cheerful mood.

Consider adding these to your diet

·        Seafood

·        Nuts

·        Chicken, fresh water fish, egg, curd, cheese

Take physical exercise:

Exercise help reduces stress. In spite of no habit to take exercise, you can start it during your pregnancy. Good exercises include walking, swimming, yoga. Yoga helps you master the techniques of meditation, relaxation and breathing controls. Working women who have to stay seated oftentimes may take a little walk after a while. During lunch time, a little 10-minute walk in the open air may help.

Take preparation for delivery:

If you are afraid of regular delivery procedure, you can talk to your doctor whose proper suggestions can make you feel free and shake off fear. You can also read books or browse through websites for detailed information about the delivery. If you want to cesarean delivery, find out what could go wrong after the procedure, this will help you prepare well.

Share your problems:

Instead of keeping things in your own mind, try to share them with someone close to you. At the outset, your problems may not be understood properly by those who you have shared with. But, do not get disappointed or hurt. It is simple. Some husbands cannot feel anything before taking their babies in arms. You can talk to those of your friends who have become mother previously. Such discussions may help you keep away from anxiety and stress.

Bathe in warm water:

Warm water can abate your physical pain. Some women seem to become more cheerful and happier after taking a bath in warm water since it has a healing power. Pour warm water into the bathtub and stay relaxed therein for some time. It will lighten up your mood.

Write letters:

Many pregnant women feel comfort in writing to their baby to be born. You can or cannot hand those letters to your baby after he/she grows up. It is up to you. However, it is a great relief that you can easily express your innate feelings for the time being.

Get help in day-to-day activities:

In order to stay relaxed and out of anxiety, you can ask help from your family members since regular activities may easily burden with anxiety and tiredness.

Put on comfortable clothing:

Try to put on loose clothing and use comfortable footwear in order that you feel utmost comfort in wearing them and staying.

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