Tips for a Safe Journey during Pregnancy

Though sometimes a journey can be risky for a pregnant mother, you may need to travel for various reasons. But you can make your journey safe and enjoyable by following some tips:

1. Consult with Your Doctor: You should consult your doctor before planning a tour. Following the doctor’s advice will make your trip safe and enjoyable.

2. Complete your Health Checkup: As a pregnant woman, you need to complete your regular health checkup before the trip.

3. Carry Your Health Report: You should carry your last health status or checkup report and prescription at the journey. It’ll help you to get admitted at any hospital if necessary.

4. Keep Necessary Medicines: Keep all necessary or some additional medicine with you according to doctor’s advice during a trip.

5. Be Aware of Luggage:  You should never carry a heavy luggage during pregnancy. Always try to pack your luggage as light as possible and take help of your companion to carry the luggage.

6. Be Careful about Clothing: Always wear comfortable clothes and shoes during pregnancy to stay comfortable at the journey.

7. Be Careful about Food: You must carry homemade food and drinking water and avoid outside food during pregnancy as it may cause food- poisoning.

8. Keep a Company: During pregnancy, you must have someone with you for traveling to enjoy the journey and avoid other discomforts.

9. Walk during Journey Break: Your legs may swell for sitting in one place for a long time during pregnancy. Besides it hamper the blood circulation. So you need to walk in a break.

10. Traveling at your Own Vehicle: Traveling at own transport is quite convenient for pregnant women. In that case, must instruct your driver to drive slowly. The other tips you need to follow are:

•    Always fasten your seat belt at the bottom of your stomach. 

•    Put small pillow or cushion on the seat to avoid back pain.

•    Move your legs to normalize the blood circulation.

•    Drink a lot of water or liquid to avoid nausea during summer.

11. Air Travel: Must consult with your doctor before air travel during pregnancy and follow this issues during traveling:

•    Inform the authority about your pregnancy so that the crew will take care of you.

•    Know well about the rules of airlines for pregnant women before traveling.

•    In case of a long journey, inform the authority and choose a comfortable sit.

•    Always fasten your seat belts at the bottom of your stomach.

•    Try to drink sufficient water or liquid while traveling.

•    Keep a pillow or cushion for your neck.

•    Move your knee or wrist to avoid discomfort.

•    During the long journey, you can lift your feet for a while to avoid swelling or put your hands behind waist and push your head behind or also can walk to be comfortable.

12. Travelling in Public Transport:

•    Never sit at the back of bus or train to avoid excessive shaking.

•    Travel at AC or slippery coach as this type of coaches will be comfortable for you during pregnancy.

•    Avoid crowd and take help of others to carry the luggage.

13.  While traveling in Ship or Boat: You can carry necessary medicines according to doctor’s advice to avoid sea- sickness. Hire a comfortable cabin, carry drinking water and avoid seafood.

14. The vehicles should be avoided: You must have to avoid rickshaw, cycle or other two wheeler risky vehicle for any kind of long journey.

You can enjoy a safe and comfortable journey during pregnancy by following these tips. Have a nice tour at pregnancy.


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