Can’t wait to know your baby’s gender during pregnancy?

It is matter of attention to parents and even everyone in the family to know whether the baby in the womb is a boy or a girl, which is why ultra-sonogram plays its role in identifying the gender of a baby.

But ultrasounds are not always effective at detecting baby’s gender. Moreover, doing an ultrasound is not the purpose of detecting baby’s gender.

This article will focus on what you need to know before undergoing ultrasound examination.

Why ultrasounds sometimes can’t detect gender

Going Too Early

22nd week is the earliest you can take an ultrasound to detect the gender of your child. But sometimes this is too early. From 30th week, it is more likely that an USG will reveal clearer pictures.


2D USG produces not so clear picture. So latest 3D USG machines can reveal more information regarding the gender of your baby.

Your Body Fat

If your belly is too fatty, USG will not generate a clearer view. If this is the case for you, try bringing down your weight for a safer pregnancy. You can consult a dietician along with your gynochologist to help devise a diet plan to bring weight under control.

Amniotic Fluid Levels

If the volume is amniotic fluid in your uterus is too low, USGs will not be able to get a clear picture.

Position of the child

If, during USG, the baby crosses legs together or the chord covers the genitals, it will become almost impossible to detect baby’s gender

What to do if Ultrasound can’t detect baby’s gender

No doctor will tell you upfront to come and undergo examination to detect baby’s gender. Rather USGs are performed to diagnose pregnancy condition and assess potential risks. This is done to take preventive/corrective measures to help you deliver a healthy baby and keep you safe. That remains the ultimate goal of an Ultrasound Examination.

Rather than wondering about baby’s gender, you should hope for a healthy birth and plan to raise your child into a good human being.

Contact our call center to consult doctors at SuperMom for any children and maternity affairs from 9am to 5pm from Sunday-Thursday (except Government holidays). Call at 08000-888-000.


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