5 signs that your baby’s teeth will appear soon

In most cases, it takes 6 months to appear your baby’s teeth but sometimes it could appear in the 3rd month or after 6 months of your baby. The time of appearing depends on many things, the important one is their parents teething time.

Stages of teething:

You may have noticed that teeth appear in a pair for first few time. Usually, first pair appears in the middle of the bottom jaw and then the second pair in the upper jaw. There is also some exception such as you may found all the four appear only in the upper or bottom row.

There are different types of teethes, like- Incisor Teeth, Molar Teeth. Depending on type teeth arise at different times.

•    6 Month: Incisor teeth in the middle of the bottom row.

•    8 Month: Incisor teeth in the middle of the upper jaw.

•    10 Month: Lateral Incisor teeth of both upper and lower jaw.

•    14 Month: First Molar Teeth.

•    18 Month: Canine Teeth.

•    24 Month: Second Molar Teeth.

Symptoms of Growing Teeth:

1. Try to Bite Anything: At the time of appearing new teeth, it creates pressure on baby’s gum. To mitigate this pressure, your baby tries to bite anything they get.

2. Swelling of Gum: Before teething, baby’s gum may become swell or reddish. Sometimes you may find swelling gum around the nozzle of new teeth.

3.  Become Unrest at Night: Usually at night, baby’s teeth grow rapidly. The teeth tend to increase through gum & jaw so at that time your baby may become disturbed for pain.

4.  Pulled the Ear: At the time of arising teeth your baby may have pain in the jaw which can spread to ear. To get rid of this pain baby pull their ear.

5. Change in Food Habit: Your baby may change the food habit to avoid the pain while eating. For example- if your baby may choose liquid instead of solid food or solid instead of liquid.

If you know the symptoms of teething of a baby, you can take proper care of your baby at that time.

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