5 tips for new moms who are fasting this Ramadan

After the birth of the child, many mothers became concerned about fasting as they have to breastfeed the child for first 6 months. They think fasting will reduce the milk so that child won’t get enough. But this is fully untrue.

According to Islamic law, there is no need to fast for first 40 days of the post-partum period. After this, you can fast if you want and it won’t be harmful to your child. You have to follow the nutritious and balanced diet at Sehri, iftar and supper.

Food for New Mother in Sehri: You can take vegetables, meat, seasonal fruits, milk and dairy food in Sehri. Don’t try to skip supper or Sehri because as a new mother new need to have balance diet for 3 times a day.

Iftar for New Mother: As a new mother your iftar should be different from others. Avoid spicy & oily food to avoid acidity. Plan your iftar like lunch, so you can add rice, meat or fish, dal, vegetable, seasonal fruits, vegetable or chicken soup, dates, payes or pudding It will help you to gather necessary calories for you and your newborn.

Necessaries of a New Mother in Ramadan:

1. Protein: Protein food is necessary for a new mother during Ramadan. You must ensure daily intake of protein foods like- egg, milk, meat, fish, dal. Vegetable, yogurt, cheese, peanut, dates will ensure the adequate amount of calcium and iron.

2. Liquid: Liquid food is essential for the new mother as this type of food helps to increase milk. Different types of soup, dal and juice must be included in your Sehri and iftar menu.

3. Vegetables: Green vegetables are very beneficial for a new mother. Vegetables like- spinach & arum contains sufficient amount of vitamin A, Folic Acid which helps to create new cells and increase milk.

4. Water: The biggest problem of a nursing mother during Ramadan is dehydration. Water helps to produce milk so you need to drink sufficient water or fruit juice from iftar to sehri.

5. Sound Sleep: During Ramadan, you also need to ensure sound sleep. Sound sleep will help you to digest food properly.

Foods You Should Avoid During Ramadan:

•    You should avoid tea and coffee during Ramadan. Because tea- coffee will make your body dehydrate.

•    Avoid spicy, oily and fried food.

•    Avoid fatty, processed & stale food.

Newborn Care During Ramadan: During Ramadan, it is necessary for you to take care of both you and your newborn. Newborn gets necessary nutrients from breast milk for first 6 months and it also works as vaccination for different types of diseases. Weight your baby every week during Ramadan. If the baby is gaining weight, they are getting the necessary nutrients. If their weight remain same or they are losing weight, must consult with the child specialist.

It is natural to be concern about your newborn’s health- care during Ramadan. You can fast in Ramadan if you are taking proper care of yourself. But if your baby is not getting enough nutrients or losing their weight, you can do them later. It is also allowed in Islam. You should remember that only balanced diet can keep you and your baby healthy.

You can call at our care line and get direct advice from the Doctor of Supermom from Sunday- Thursday, 09:00 am- 05:00 pm (Except Govt. Holiday) regarding any problem of you and your baby. Our Toll- Free No. is- 08-000-888-000.