Pregnancy Planning: Deciding the best time to have a baby

It is said that, people can’t control birth, death & marriage, those are in god’s hand.  Yet we need to plan for being happy, for a better planning, for a better life. Similarly it is necessary to have a plan when to be a mother; otherwise there will be complicacies in your personal life, it could effect your family and professional life too. Besides, your new born baby can also be affected by your weak planning. 

On the other way, Some women take more time to have a baby by the time she faces some pregnancy issues. Some believes, having sex without a condom can make them pregnant. But, when they saw that doesn’t happen accordingly, they become depressed. Such depression can make them sick.

We would discuss today exactly when you’re ready to be pregnant. You would feel free once you know the right time and the right situation to become a mother. So, let see when you’re ready to become a mom.

Money, the 2nd god!

It is absolute to have concrete financial plan to welcome a new family member. Besides the hospital expenses, you must have a financial plan for the baby. You must have a strategy to fulfill all financial need as well as to ensure good health both for the baby and the mother.  

Who will take care of the baby and the mom?

Our families are getting smaller day by day. Besides, everybody is getting busy with their life. A new born baby needs 24 hours care. Even when the baby is sleeping someone needs to look after him/her. A mother needs full rest after delivery. It’s necessary to be sure who will take care of the baby and the mother. Someone from the family would be nice but, if it is not possible then someone needs to be hired. If you are keeping a maid to look after the mother, it is wise to keep her before the child born and it is necessary too.  

Parental Leave

To a pregnant woman or to a new mother, the presence of her husband beside her is something like a tonic. A husband can encourage her wife in that time. So, it is necessary to be sure about the parental leave. Some occupations have the opportunity to reserve the leaves. Thus it is necessary to stock the leaves if someone wants to have a baby; so he can manage a leave when necessary. If you spoil the leaves then circumstances may take place when there is a need. Why would you take that pressure?

Diabetics & High BP Test

Diabetics and high blood pressure can be a serious issue if you’re going to be a mother. Sudden abortion can happen due to the diabetics or high blood pressure. Sometimes premature delivery of a baby can occur because of high blood pressure. In such case mother’s life will be in a risk. So, it is wise to treat diabetics or high blood pressure before getting pregnant. Thus, the mother’s health would be okay and her confidence will grow up at the same time.

Hormonal Balance

Many mother miscarriages due to the hormonal imbalance inside their body. Both the scarcity of necessary hormones or excessive amount of hormones inside the body can cause harm to the mother; Such as the hormonal imbalance of Thyroid gland. This butterfly shaped gland of our throat secretes Thyrox hormone. Many essential function of a human body depends on this Thyroid gland. Those who have problem in their thyroid gland they need to be treated before having a baby.

Weight & Food

Sometimes you may not have any health issues except you have a big weight that can be a problem too. Diabetics and high BP can harm you if you become heavy during pregnancy. As a result complexities build up. If you are having a baby then you must follow a discipline. Stay away from alcohol and cigarette. To control your weight you can walk in the morning or you may go to gym.  Swimming is good for your physical flexibility. Maintain balance food. If necessary consult with a dietician. A good sleep can make you feel better. Sleep at least for 8 hours every day. For a pregnant woman, it is better to control her weight in a disciplined way. Remember, all these you have to do before the birth of the baby. And, after delivery you have to follow the doctor’s prescription.

Possible time for fertilization

After all things set lets know few things about sex. It is a common scene that you haven’t used a condom while having sex and yet you’re not pregnant. This is not a serious issue. It is happen when your eggs are ready fertilized and you merely got a chance to intercourse with your partner. In case of an woman, eggs are produced from her ovary once in a month.  And the eggs became fertilized only if and only it can reach the sperm during that time. Besides, sperm remains vigorous until five days after reaching the womb.  Within these five days, if her eggs are ready only then it can attach with the sperm.

There is no chance of producing eggs until seven of period.  Obviously there are exceptions.  But those who having a regular period they must know these.  Moreover, having pills may results some exceptions. An woman having a regular period can intercourse with her partner from the first day of her period to the next seven days and she’ll not get pregnant.  If someone wants to get pregnant she can have sex in next 10 days once in a day, because this is the time when her eggs are ready.

Consult with a doctor

Consult with a doctor before getting pregnant.  Having few medical tests to make sure whether you’re ready for a pregnancy or not and herewith the doctor’s recommendations are the right things to do.

You don’t have to be worry after getting pregnant once you take these measures. You can take more care of your body after getting pregnant. Reading books or praying can feel you better. Your good feeling is also necessary for your baby. Remember, a healthy mother can have a healthy baby.     

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