Worried about getting pregnant after that miscarriage? This article can help!

1 in 10 pregnancies may end up in miscarriage

If you ever lost a baby to miscarriage, you’re not alone. But statistics alone is not enough to console you. Each pregnancy is a dream, countless plans for your upcoming child. When all that ends suddenly, and you return from the hospital feeling empty, rather than fulfilled; no words are capable of expressing this unbearable pain.

But as human we’re hopeful. And we like to hope again. The untamed desire to become a mother haunts you, and you want to try again. But, the worries haunt you too. ‘What if something bad happens again’, ‘Can I ever give birth to a healthy child’, these questions keep you up day and night.

While we cannot help you undo what’s been done. But today we are here to help you woo your worries about getting pregnant successfully after a miscarriage.

Why pregnancies end up in miscarriage?

Technically, miscarriage refers to the abnormal loss of pregnancy within 20th week. Research says 1 of 2 miscarriages are caused by chromosomal defects in the fetus.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that you or your partner is to blame. Such defect may occur randomly and naturally as the fetus grows.

Diabetes, thyroid, and uterine problems of the mother may also be linked to miscarriages.

Doctors say that it is often very difficult to find out the real cause of a miscarriage case.

My dear sister, before you continue to worry about the cause of your miscarriage, please look around you. There are thousand cases of moms getting pregnant and delivering a healthy baby, and they’ve had miscarriages too.

Now we’ll answer the 4 biggest questions that may be keeping you up all the time.

1.   Do I risk another miscarriage?

We become so despondent when our dreams shatter. This is very normal as human being. What stops you from dreaming again is doubts. ‘What if I miscarry again?’ – you are so stressed at this.

Miscarriage is usually a one-time occurrence

Mayo Clinic says that miscarriage is usually happens once in a lifetime. Less than 1 in 100 women may experience a second or third miscarriage.

2.   Can I give birth to a healthy child?

Becoming a mother is an endless journey. Trying to conceive, getting pregnant, delivering the child, and after that raising a good son or daughter.

Know this, a miscarriage does not reduce the chance of delivering a healthy baby in next attempt. Your chance of delivering a perfectly healthy child is no less than any other woman.

Miscarriages do not reduce the chance of successful birth next time

American Pregnancy Association says more than 85% of woman will deliver a healthy child after experiencing a miscarriage. So, if you have any doubt on giving birth to a healthy child, you can forget it and relax.


3.   After miscarriage, when to try for a baby

Gynecologists are often asked this question. And everyone may have different answers.

Someone will advise you to wait six months, someone will suggest you to delay it for a year. We are not here to force our own opinion here. So let’s check what research has found out.

In a recent study, National Institute of Health found out that the chance of delivering a healthy baby is higher among woman than those who have waited longer after a miscarriage.

“We found no physiological reason for delaying attempts at conception following a pregnancy loss”

o   Karen Schliep, National Institute of Health

However, before you try to conceive again, there are some things you need to be cautious about. Such as –

o   Avoid intercourse until the bleeding has stopped completely. Most doctors recommend waiting one menstrual cycle

o   Do consult your doctor if the cause of ending your pregnancy was ectopic or molar

o   Diagnose and treat the cause if you’ve suffered two or more miscarriages already (details will follow)


4.   How can I prevent another miscarriage?

We said in the beginning that finding out the exact cause of miscarriage is often difficult, but miscarriage usually happens once in a lifetime.

So you need not to worry much about another miscarriage. Moreover, there isn’t anything extra that you can do to prevent a miscarriage. So, kindly follow the usual guidelines during a pregnancy. Such as –

o   Take prenatal vitamins a month before planned conception and continue till 1st trimester

o   Do light exercise

o   Avoid heavy physical labor

o   Complete No-No to alcohol and tobacco

o   No more than two cups of coffee or tea a day

o   Eat fresh fruits and lots of vegetables

o   ‘Deep Cook’ your meat and fish

o   Avoid parboiled egg and unpasteurized milk

o   Avoid eating liver

o   Consult your doctor on any medication

Under which circumstances should I consult a specialist before conceiving?

If you’ve diabetes or thyroid related problems, you will need to consult a doctor and bring it under control before and during pregnancy

And if you have had two or more miscarriages in the past, the doctor may recommend tests to diagnose the cause and take measures.

Usually tests performed to diagnose miscarriages are:

-         Blood Test

-         Chromosomal Test

-         Ultrasonography

-         Hysteroscopy

-         Hysterosalpingography

-         Sonohysterogram

Remember, there’s always a way. So please do not despair after a miscarriage.


Key Takeaways

Miscarriages are heart breaking. May be you blame yourself or your fate for this.

Do think of this sister, you’re not the only one that dreams about your baby. Your family shares your dream with you. So for everyone’s sake, please don’t give up after a miscarriage.

You already have seen that you have all the chances of delivering a healthy baby at your next attempt.

Good Luck!

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