Trouble Getting Pregnant? Try these 10 Tips

After marriage, many couples eagerly wait for a lovely adorable baby. In many cases, the couple became successful to conceive within a short period of time and in others, it can be delayed. If pregnancy is delayed you should take advice of an expert and take proper steps rather than being disappointed.

1.    Take Advice of a Specialist: If you are trying to conceive for more than a year but didn’t succeed, need to consult a specialist immediately. Do some physical and other tests according to the doctor. Inform the doctor about any kind of genetic disease if there any.

If there is any difficulty, you can overcome with proper treatment. The doctor will ask you for some physical tests like- weight, blood sugar test to treat you. You also need to share your medical history with the doctor will help you to conceive early.

2. Healthy Lifestyle: Both the husband and wife need to ensure to lead a normal and healthy life. You should avoid any kind of stress. Because it is found that sometimes pregnancy can be delayed without any kind of physical problem. So you need to be patient and careful about your health.

3. Three Times intercourse in a Week for pregnancy: Regular intercourse is important for pregnancy. Though it is difficult to identify the right time of ovulation, many couples are interested in intercourse only at that time. But to conceive you need to have intercourse at least 3 times in a week.

4. Avoid Smoking, Drinking and Taking Drugs without Doctor’s Advice: If any couple or any one of the couple is habituated in smoking or drinking need to eliminate that immediately. It influences impregnation and harmful for the unborn. Besides, you must not take any drugs without consulting a doctor.

5. Weight Control: If any of the couples is overweight, need to control it first. Because overweight is responsible for irregular menstruation which can delay your pregnancy. Sperm count and the amount will be different if the husband is overweight. So both the husband and wife need to control their weight to conceive.

5.   Balanced Diet for Good Health: Both of you need to avoid all type of junk food, fast food, spicy and fatty food. Try to eat green vegetables, fat less protein, fiber food and water. Broccoli, egg, milk and seasonal fruit can meet the need of daily nutrition and also control weight.

6. Use of Ovulation Prediction Kit: Ovulation prediction kit is a stripe which gives you the idea of ovulation by checking the body temperature and Luteinizing hormone level. Meeting after knowing the ovulation period with Ovulation Prediction Kit will increase the chances of conceiving.

7. Do not depend only on Menstruation Cycle: Meeting at the 14th day of menstrual cycle increases the possibility of pregnancy. But this is effective for 28 days menstrual cycle. Use Ovulation Prediction Kit can help you in these cases.

8. Intercourse before ovulation: A certain period of every month is perfect for conceiving a baby. After ovulation, it can be alive for 24 hours and men’s sperm remain alive for 5 days in woman’s genital. So the possibility of pregnancy is high before 2/3 days before ovulation.

9. Mind your age: In today's busy life most of us is more concern about our career. But time passes in its own way. In most cases, pregnancy is delayed for age. So both husband and wife have to be concern about their age to avoid complication of pregnancy. 18- 30 is the perfect time for a woman to have the first baby.

10. Relation between husband & wife: A good relation between husband and wife help them to overcome from any type of crisis. Mental preparation, love, understanding plays a vital role to overcome any physical and mental problem and increase the possibility of pregnancy.

If you are thinking that you are infertile for your delayed pregnancy, you are wrong! The study shows that infertility and delay in pregnancy are two different things. If you follow the advice of an expert and a healthy lifestyle will help you to overcome this problem.

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