Do you know these 7 vital information about child vaccination?

When infant steps in this world, they are attacked by many diseases. That’s why there is a saying, “Mother’s womb is the safest place for the infant.” To keep the child disease free & to ensure a better future, just after the child birth, some vaccination should give to the infant on a regular basis

1.    Why your child should be vaccinated regularly: Vaccination will keep your child safe from diseases. Almost all of them are deadly.

2. Let’s know the disease name for which child should be vaccinated:

# Diphtheria

# Homophiles Influenza type B (HIB diseases are kind of Meningitis infected by bacteria)

# Hepatitis A & B

# Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection

# Influenza

# Measles

# Mumps

# Meningococcus

# Whooping cough

# Polio

# Rotavirus

# Rubella

# Tetanus

# Chickenpox

# Niumokakkal

3. Doses for Different Types of Disease

-    Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping cough-4 doses

-    HIB Vaccibe-3 or 4 doses (Depends on Brands)

-    Niumokakkal Vaccine-4 doses

-    Polio Vaccine-3 doses

-    Hepatitis A Vaccine-2 doses

-    Hepatitis B Vaccine-3 doses

-    Measles, Mumps & Rubella vaccine--1 dose

-    Rotavirus viccine-2 or 3 doses

-    Chickenpox vaccine-1 dose

-    Influenza-1 or 2 dose/s in a year

4. Like other drugs, vaccination may have side effects: Like the rash or itching in injection point, baby felt a little fever etc. After vaccination, the baby may feel uncomfortable for some time. No need to worry about that.

5) Why should not delay in vaccination: Child under 5 years doesn't have a strong antibody to prevent diseases. That’s why they get infected easily. So within the age of 2, if all vaccination can be given, the child will remain diseases free

6. Keep a record of each dose: Keep a written document on given vaccination round the year. Thus you can avoid giving the same vaccination to the child twice. It should start from the 1st vaccination you gave to your child & need to update it on a regular basis.

7. Take doctor’s advice regularly: There is no side effect of giving vaccination in children. Although, if you notice anything negative, see a doctor immediately. Give your child vaccination regularly, Give them a prosperous life.

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