Getting Your Child Used To TV & Games? Know The Effects As Well!

Keeping children away from watching TV is next to impossible nowadays. The situation take such a direction that many children start crying being disallowed to watch TV and become quiet when they are allowed. Sometimes, they eat peacefully as a certain advertisement is aired, and they stop eating as it is finished.

In cities, the number of playgrounds is decreasing day by day, which is why children are getting dependent on TV or video games for leisure. But, outdoor games are important for their mental and physical growth and wellbeing. Do you know watching TV too much might turn into addiction that could be injurious to the child’s mind and body? Are you thinking how watching TV or playing video games too much could be harmful? Let’s know how.

Waste of time:

Practically speaking, TV programs are not designed with educative value for children who are two years old. Instead of allowing them to watch TV programs, parents should engage them in drawing pictures or playing Lego, which may help mental growth.

Weight gain:

Research suggests that watching TV for more than four hours a day helps weight gain in three ways, such as,

·        Sitting idle for a long time without physical motions.

·        Eating high-calorie foods like chips, chocolates, cold drinks, etc.

·        Indigestion of foods eaten.

Irregular sleep:

Watching TV for a prolonged period of time, especially at night, may cause children suffer irregular sleep pattern.

Eye disorders:

Sitting close to the TV screen, children that play video games or watch TV for hours often suffer various eye problems. Sometimes, they have headache. Nowadays, many children are seen to use spectacles. In addition, research reveals that watching TV for hours may cause breathing problems or asthma.

Mental retardation:

Most TV programs are based on fictional stories and inconsistent features with entertainment in mind. These programs may help lessen children’s power of thinking and make them mentally retarded.

Inconsistent behaviors:

Watching different programs that depict violence, children show rudeness along with inconsistency in behaviors. They also become inattentive to studies.

Tendency to imitate:

As children are imitating, they often play their favorite characters in real life. For example, many children attempt to fly from rooftop imitating Superman. Some children also became frightened watching programs based on fictitious stories.

Becoming unsociable:

Because of playing video games or watching TV programs for hours, children get separated from the society outside. Such habit makes them unsociable.

Being lonely:

Childhood is the proper time to allow building of friendship. During that stage, children being too engaged in video games become without friends.

Becoming delirious:

Too much addiction to video games if occurs goes beyond control. Children always keep thinking of newer games and their versions, which turn out to be a mental illness at one time.

According to American Academy of Pediatrics, children that are below two years old should not be allowed to watch TV, and children that are over two years old should not be allowed to watch for more than an hour a day. Childhood is the perfect time for mental growth.

Are you thinking how to save your beloved child from these ill effects? Here are some tips for you:

·        Move the television from your child’s room. Children who have TVs in their rooms are likely to have much interest in them.

·        Do not let your child watch TV alone since this will increase their likelihood to watch violent and adult programs.

·        Raise interest in your child for outdoor sports.

·        Get your baby to read story books right from his/her childhood. It will help lessen addiction to play video games.

·        Do not allow your child to watch TV while feeding him/her. Instead, you can let him/her listen to music or do something else.

·        Let your child watch TV at a particular time of a day and present this as a prize for finishing home task fast or getting good marks in the exam.

·        Engage your child in various cultural and extracurricular activities like dancing, singing, drawing/painting, etc. Your child will have less time to get engaged in TV or video games.

Finally, give your child your time and company. Read him/her stories. These small activities will help your child keep himself/herself away from TV or video games.